Expedition 41 Patch

Expedition 41 Patch

Sale price$3.14 USD
The Expedition 41 crew wrote the description that follows: Portraying the road of human exploration into our vastly unknown universe, all elements of the Expedition 41 patch build from the foundation, our Earth, to the stars beyond our solar system. The focus of our six-month expedition to the space station is Earth and its inhabitants, as well as a scientific look out into our universe. The distinguishing space station solar arrays reach onward and serve as the central element, with the icon of an atom underneath representing the multitude of research aboard that will bring new discoveries for the benefit of humanity. The sun is rising over Earth’s horizon, spreading its light along the road of human exploration. Equipped with the knowledge and inspiration gained from the space station, our successful multinational cooperation will lead human space exploration to the moon, Mars, and ultimately, the stars. We are Expedition 41. Join us for the adventure.